

I don't wanna be right . . .

I don't wanna be right . . .


If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right
If being right means being without you
I'd rather be wrong than right.

Your mama and daddy say it's a shame
It's a downright disgrace
Long as I got you by my side
I don't care what your people say

Your friends tell you it's no future
in loving a married man
But, If I can't see you when I want 
I'll see you when I can

If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right
If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right

Am I wrong to fall so deeply in love with you
knowing I got a wife and two little children
depending on me too

And am I wrong to hunger
for the gentleness of your touch
knowing I got someone else at home
who needs me just as much

And are you wrong to give your love
to a married man
And am I wrong to try to hold on
to the best thing I ever had

If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right
If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right

Are you wrong to give your love
to a married man
And am I wrong trying to hold on
to the best thing I ever had

If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right
If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right

I don't wanna be right
If it means being without you
I don't want to be right

if it means just slipping at night 
I don't wanna be right

If Loving you is wrong
I don't wanna be right

2 則留言:


  1. 你好呀小肥~

    1. ?? 你幾時會去啊 ?? http://www.tsukiji.or.jp/index.html
      築地市場マグロ卸売場見学 就1月19日開番. 搬遷嘅事推遲至2016年.

      1935年開幕的東京築地市場 預定遷到豐洲新址,新地點能提供亟需的技術更新。東京都政府說,新址預計在2016年3月完成, 比原先計劃推遲約一年。 遷徙後,築地市場現址將如何使用仍不清楚,除了 會修築一條新路,以連接市中心和2020年奧運會若干 場館外。
